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The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :I want England to lose.

Feel free to watch the game in your local pub then, and cheer on the USA.

good luck with that
The Moose
S2 licensed
With our Irish friends in mind I can only say... Come on Uruguay! Beat those cheating Frenchies
The Moose
S2 licensed
I agree the Mazda is a whole lot better than it was, but it's still is liable to just snap away with no warning. Still, it's better than most cars in iRacing.

The Skippy still feels like the most perfect car in the sim. The Radical is right up there as well now.

As for the V8... you only have to watch the in-car shots of the real thing and see how those guys drive them to know something is very wrong in the sim.

Let's hope Dave pulls his finger out and gets the new tyre model finished soon, along with the transmission and some attempt at damage modelling.

iRacing may well update their sim regularly, but not a lot of real substance, car wise, has been done for a very long time now.

Kunos gets things done quicker, and that's saying something!
Last edited by The Moose, .
The Moose
S2 licensed
Don't forget the V8 !

I'll put money on that getting a major physics overhaul in the next build/year/when they can be arsed.

If that car is right as it is now, I'm Jenson Button.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from MadCat360 :What on earth are they still working on?

Getting it right, hopefully. Too many half arsed efforts with car releases already, we don't need another one.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Do you/they really consider nKP's "tire model" to be practically better than iRacing's current compromise ridden empirical model?

Neither are anywhere near perfect, but i absolutely believe the behaviour and feel of netKar's current tire model to be way ahead of iRacings, which still displays extremely strange behaviour when driving on the limit.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from AlienT. :

Are there any other sim racers out there, that do not play iRacing, which could compete with the likes of Gregor Huttu , Richard Towler and co?

Yup, plenty

Maybe not compete with Mr Huttu, I consider him to be the best of the best, but i know a few who would undoubtedly be right up there with the top guys if they signed up (or in a few cases if they actually gave iRacing a bigger shot... a few have tried and simply didnt like the sim/format)

From the netKar guys I race with I've no doubt that Jaap Wagenvoort and quite a few of the Lastplace Racing team would be right up there.. certainly DWC drivers, no doubt about that.

One of them, Phil Woodward, would be in the top 5 drivers at iRacing, of that I'm sure. He is (well was last time I looked) the GPL rank leader and hold multiple world records and is an absolute alien at nKPro as well.

I'm pretty sure a few of the LFS guys would be right up there as well.

The fact is a lot of these guys simply cant be bothered to spend hundreds of pounds getting to the Pro Series/DWC. Others, especially the netKar guys simply don't find iRacing to be realistic enough, and it's missing a lot of features that netKar has, so it's considered a step backwards.

Hopefully a decent transmission model and a much improved tire model will be enough to tempt a few in/back.
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The Moose
S2 licensed
Rio Ferdinand out for England. ... orld_cup_2010/8722236.stm

Thank god for that... One liability out of the way. Well done Heskey

Looks like Drogba is out too... I was looking forward to his fantastic acting

Acting like you've been shot when someone's just brushed you, as many times as he has, was always going to have consequences in the end. Karma, its a wonderful thing.
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The Moose
S2 licensed
The Moose
S2 licensed
Well done Mexico... totally deserved.

Italy were simply awful, completely outplayed.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :How do you guys like the Jetta?

Possibly the most boring car in any sim, ever.

(I'd rather drive the Solstice... and I despise that)
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Put all of this together and you get a +1 from me.

...and me.

Quote from brandons48 :She looks feck ugly imo.

You deserve to have your eyes plucked out.....
having said that, if you think she's feck ugly perhaps you already have.....
Last edited by The Moose, .
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :Wait let me pay 32 euros a month for iracing

You could do I suppose, though they would be perfectly happy for you to pay the same as everyone else

Quote from Bmxtwins :oh wait i could buy 12 S2 licenses for 1 year of iracing...

Why would you pay £300 a year for iRacing?

Your a very generous guy obviously.. willing to pay so much more than the rest of us.

..and even if it were the price of 12 S2 licences per year (It's actually less then 3 , but don't let the facts get in the way of your fantasy) I'd rather have an iRacing sub and a netKar Pro license than 12 licenses for a dead sim.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from kars19 :There is no other alternative...

Utter rubbish.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from BenjiMC :
@McLarens: Hamilton was faster, that was clear from how he could stick with Webber even in dirty air he let off near the end to save fuel and Jenson wanted to take advantage, cus he's a racing driver fighting to retain his title..

Fixed that for you. You obviously had a brain fart. Don't worry, it happens to the best of us.
The Moose
S2 licensed
It's not often i get to agree with both Intrepid and Blue flame in a thread.

I'll treasure this moment.

I bet JazzOn is one of those guys that thinks people should just move over and let him by when he's faster, then wrecks when they actually put up a fight, and spends the rest of the session spamming the chat "It was your fault, you should have let me past, I was faster than you"
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from JCTK :their best chance would be to pit together to pressure RBR into making a mistake, but it backfired~

Lets be honest...Red Bull don't do pit stop mistakes very often
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Uhm, shows how much you paid attention to the race... Lewis and Webber pitted at the same time.

..which was a shitty bit of strategy on Mclarens part imo. Lewis was clearly quicker than Webber at that point... If they had kept him out for one more lap I have the feeling he'd have grabbed the lead. He was never going to beat Webber in the pits, even if he hadn't had the small problem with the rear wheel.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :RBR favouring Vettel???

Hehe, no surprise there then. The golden boy can do no wrong.

If I were Webber I'd be pretty pissed now. Despite his fantasic last two results and the championship lead he is clearly regarded as the driver that's just making up the numbers in Red Bull. As soon as i saw all the Red Bull guys putting their arms round Vettel after an accident he caused I lost all respect for them.

I'm not Webbers biggest fan, but I really hope he beats Vettel in the championship this year, whether he wins the title or not.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from obsolum :I notice all 3 of the servers you mention have the word "crash" in them

lmao .. is this what LFS has come to?...glad I'm out.
The Moose
S2 licensed
That cracked me up. My Brother said about 3 laps before the Red Bull's had the incident that Vettel would cause a crash with Webber if there was a straight fight. He's desperate to prove he's faster and his mindset isn't good. ..and so it came to pass (or not as the case may be )

I'll be asking him for next weeks lottery numbers......

Get in there McLaren! Delighted to see them back on the pace. Great result, and a great display of how team mates should battle.

Fantastic race. More of the same please
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from breadfan :Dennis Hopper and Christopher Walken in one movie? Holy shit.
Either way, RIP, what a tragedy

You haven't seen True Romance? Download it now!
RIP Dennis Hopper
The Moose
S2 licensed
Dennis Hopper died today age 74. ... ent_and_arts/10191448.stm

Top class actor.

Only watched True Romance a couple of days ago... the scene with him and Christopher Walken is a classic

RIP Dennis.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from bunder9999 :7G in april

lol, I used 7 gig in the last 90 mins . The thought of only using 7 gig in a month is mind boggling.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Several 100 gigs a month here. I love Virgin